But still. The phrase "a year of making" resonates with me. Partly it's the word "make" which, in the wake of a couple of rough years at my day job, feels very powerful to me.
MAKE... a start
MAKE... a decision
MAKE... a change
MAKE... a difference
It's all about agency, about taking action, about choosing a direction, rather than being banged around by the world. I want that. I need that. I suck at that practice of taking a word and using it as a guide for the year, but if I were going to choose one for 2015 it would be "make."
Also, I know other people are going to be practicing a Year of Making and I want to play along. So I spent some time the last few days thinking about how to define a practice that could go beyond the making that I already do every day. I settled on two approaches. One is give more deliberate and overt attention to my making, through writing about it, photographing it and spending time with other people who are engaged in making. The other is to bring more intention to it, by focusing on a theme or a set of parameters. I decided against a theme for the whole year - that way lies a high potential for boredom and an early end to the project. For me, a monthly theme is the way to go.
My theme for the month of January is "starting by finishing." I have knitting WIPs, quilting UFOs, commitments I've made to other people to make things. Some of these are relatively new, some of them are really old; the thing they have in common is that they take up space and make me feel crowded, both physically and mentally. Finishing older projects won't be the only thing I do this month, but focusing on that feels like the right way both to start the year of making and to clear the decks, mentally and physically, for the rest of the year.
If the idea of a Year of Making sounds good to you, check out Kim Werker's interview with Miriam Felton, and her new ebook intended to give you a jumpstart for your own Year of Making. Very cool stuff!
I hope you will share what you have finished and progressed on at the end of the month.